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About Us


Hello!  My name is Marie Nutter and I serve individuals + organizations striving for wellness within.  



If you work or have worked within systems that regularly support humans in distress (i.e. public health, safety, justice, advocacy, education, etc.)...​ I might be a good fit for you or your team. 



Through this evidenced-based yoga practice, originating from the Trauma Center, known as TCTSY...



We'll possibly navigate the mind-body effects of high stakes work, traumatic stress, or loss that can live within your career. 



As a pediatric operating room nurse, trauma-sensitive yoga facilitator and flawed human being... I continue to be humbled by the folks I learn from every day.  



After years professionally helping others, I struggled to find a healthy mind-body connection that could withstand the nature of my work.



When I realized this common experience can happen to anyone despite best efforts, I began to move forward in this practice of presence + choice.



Within your own choice of movement or rest... you might find a way to give back to yourself + the communities you serve.  â€‹

Photo Cred: Chad Holder

Marie is an incredible instructor.  Regardless of your experience, she will help support + strengthen your mind-body connection. 

Class Offerings


Why Trauma-Sensitive?



Because most of us have survived difficult work-life events, performed through high levels of chronic stress, and endured different types of loss both on + off the clock. 



In TCTSY, there is less priority on "doing it right," and more effort on trying to be present to find what's best for your mind-body connection.



No need to perform or show up in a certain way.



This class might look like a preemptive strike to the traumatic stress we can be regularly exposed to at work, or it could be a form of treatment based on what you're working on.



Your choice.



No "right" or "wrong."



Choose your class location, timeframe, and price point that works best for you or your team.​​​



click to learn more in FAQ's​

In person





Yoga Mat


Chair or Standing



Trauma Center

Trauma Sensitive Yoga


Reach out when you're ready.

Interested in trying a trauma-sensitive yoga practice with me?


Click here to watch or practice together


Love the pics on my site?  Me too.  Credit has been given for 2 where its due.  Please ask for consent before using the rest.  Enjoy as needed.  :-)

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