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Origin Story

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What can I say?  I'm a bit of a walking cliche.  


"MNyoga" was born from a place of burnout within high stakes work, daily exposure to job-related traumatic stress, accumulated personal loss + my conditioned idea that placing everyone's needs before my own was a perfectly acceptable way to operate. 


Like many others who intentionally or unintentionally prioritize their needs last... my wellness suffered in too many ways to count.  


After a slow reluctant shift in body-mindset, I began to find my way forward through small + big pieces of evidenced-based mindfulness + trauma sensitive movement. 


Since then, I continue to crawl, fail and learn in the hopes to share with others the possibilities of progress within this body-mind work.


The "MN" stands for my initials and the work it takes to put my health first while maintaining a daily commitment to serve others.


Whether you work with me, someone else, or no one at all... please know that how you choose to move forward will always be your superpower. 







P.S. - 


For more in-depth talk about my "why" behind the work, feel free to visit the links below. 


Designed for Success | Psychology Today


Episode 47--The Human Healing Project with Marie Nutter (​


@marienutter | Linktree

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